.in - the Domain for India View Basket Check Out

.IN Domain Names
FAQ - (Frequently Asked Questions)
about the .IN domains.
Will my name .IN domain work anywhere in the world?
Yes, a .IN name works exactly the same as a .COM name, it just happens to have a different ending. It is treated in precisely the same way as .COM by all the DNS nameservers in the world.
Why do I want a domain name ending with .IN?
There are already more than six and a half million domains registered in the .COM top level
domain. Most of the good, short, easy to remember names in .COM are already taken by someone else.
In .IN you can have a domain name that fits your business, idea, family or other name more closely
Domain Register
allows people, on a global basis, to search for available .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .us, .asia, .eu, .am, .ag, .at, .be, .bz, .cc, .ch, .co, .com.co, .net.co, .nom.co, .cx, .cz, .de, .fm, .gs, .hn, .in, .co.in, .net.in, .org.in, .firm.in, .gen.in, .ind.in, .la, .lc, .li, .me, .mn, .mobi, .ms, .mx, .com.mx, .co.nz, .net.nz, .org.nz, .pl, .sc, .tv, .tw, .com.tw, .net.tw, .co.uk, .org.uk, .me.uk, domain names. We perform a 'whois' in a user-friendly format. Once a desired available domain name is found, Domain Register allows people to order their domain name registration with the InterNIC on-line. This is also called URL registration, web name, website name, custom domain registration, dns registration services, net names registration, internet identity registration, or even sometimes internet business name registration.
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