.tw - the Domain for Taiwan View Basket Check Out

.TW Domain Names
Domain Extension |
.tw .com.tw |
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Eligibility Requirements |
- Domains are available for worldwide registrations
- May be registered by businesses, organizations and sole proprietorships from any country.
- Registry maintains the authority to suspend or revoke domain name registrations that conflict with Taiwan’s government rules or principles
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Registration Terms |
- Domains can be registered for terms of 1, 5 and 10 years
- Registration term begins when the domain name becomes active
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Domain Character Rules |
- Three (3) character minimum; 60 character maximum
- Letters "a" to "z", the numbers "0" to "9" and the hyphen "-" can be used
- Following characters are not allowed: ~ @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) + = < > { } [ ] | \ / : ; ‘ , . ?
- Hyphen cannot be used in the 1st, 3rd, 4th or last position of the domain name
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Renewal Policy |
- Renewals must be made prior to the domain name's expiration date or it will be
deactivated on that date
- A grace period after the domain name's expiration date is not available
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DNS Requirements |
- Two (2) domain name servers are required
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Associated Services |
- Private Registration service is not available for this domain extension
- Domain Protect service (Registrar Lock) is not available for this domain extension
- Web Forwarding can be added when the domain name becomes active
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Pricing |
- $48.95 for 1 year
- $229.95 for 5 years
- $429.95 for 10 years
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